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Health Innovation Exchange Marketplace, quality health accessible also to poor countries

What happens if we bring together innovative solutions, public and private investors and local non-profit organizations with people who are familiar with the health needs and emergencies in different countries, in particular in the developing ones?

Perhaps, we can really change the world and get closer and closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This is what happened at the Health Innovation Exchange Marketplace, three days in which the Top 20 health innovations selected by Unaids were presented to Health Ministers and stakeholders around the world.

Enthusiasm is contagious and becomes an incredible accelerator, when combined with the effectiveness of already developed technologies, which respond to real health problems, which in developing countries can often become emergencies.

And at the Health Innovation Exchange Marketplace, effectiveness is not lacking, the common denominator of all the selected innovations is found in the ease and usability of the proposed solutions.

We have seen innovative diagnostic and prevention tools, such as the papilloma virus detection machine for screening programs in regions with limited resources, or products such as economically accessible self-retractable needle syringes and e-health apps such as a system to monitor the health status of people with HIV.

Numerous presences, ministers from various countries and authoritative insiders such as professor Francois Mbopi-Kèou, university professor in Cameroon and member of the scientific council of Unadis.

“The innovations, the technology must be at an affordable cost in order to reach the people who need it the most – he tells us when asked in the margins of an event – I think the time has passed to discuss and we need to take action, urgently implementing the projects of innovative investors that can make the difference ”.

Look the innovations:

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