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Darfur, Hemeti’s threats to the IDPs to dismantle the camps and target its leaders

In Darfur the General Co-ordination of the IDPs and Refugees of Darfur ( GCIDPR) with the words of Adam Rojal, the spokesperson for Co-ordination of the IDPs and Refugees, released this declaration concerning the statement made by the putschist regime leader and commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) and the Janjaweed militias Hemeti. “We followed the statements…

In Darfur the General Co-ordination of the IDPs and Refugees of Darfur ( GCIDPR) with the words of Adam Rojal, the spokesperson for Co-ordination of the IDPs and Refugees, released this declaration concerning the statement made by the putschist regime leader and commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) and the Janjaweed militias Hemeti.

“We followed the statements which were made days ago by the putschist regime leader , so – called Mohammed Hamdan Daglou,aka Hemeti, the commander of the Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces ( RSFs) militias in Nyala city the capital of South Darfur state; that was reported by various media and in which he fabricated false, null and void accusations against the Internally Displaced Persons ( IDPs) and Refugees and their leaders, namely; the General Co- coordinator sheikh,Yagoub Mohammed Abdella, aka Foure.
Therefore; we consider these statements as an explicit act of declaration of war against the defenseless displaced Persons, to kill them and deliberately target their leaders; and intentionally dismantle the camps that are considered conspicuous witnesses and monumental images to the crimes of genocide, ethnic – cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity, perpetrated with impunity by Omer al Bashir the fugitive from the international justice. Thus; the former Janjaweed militias which later rebranded as Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) militias had been and still today the frail tool which committed these atrocities, because of this ; Hemeti wants by his statements and accusations to find a justification to fulfill his schemes of dismantling the camps and physically liquidate their leaders whom are witnesses to his crimes of Darfur incineration, as his offended filthy hands are stained with the blood of peaceful protesters in El Obeid and Khartoum, moreover; he killed and displaced unarmed civilians in Port Sudan, Kassala, al Damazin, the Kadugli, al Fashir, Kutum, Gereida, Nyertiti, Mornei, Bileil, Lagawa, el Geneina, Kirinding, Jebel Moon, Zalingei and in other areas of Sudan.
However; the criminal Hemeti’s proclaims is a conspiracy against the IDPs and a menace aiming to complete the series of the population demographic change, crimes of genocide, ethnic – cleansing, collective and individual killings, mass rapes, pillaging, incineration and forced displacement, that the paratroop Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces ( RSFs) militias continue to persistently commit on a daily basis, for their annihilated resettlement projects and extermination of the indigenous peoples.
Though; it is not the first time for Hemeti to trigger such perilous statements and as if he is unaware of its gravity, yet; his statements are self – condemning, to him in person and his tribal militias in particular, and further reveals his genuine intentions toward the victims he displaced to the camps and whom he repeatedly threaten and intimidate their leaders with tearing down of their camps , likewise; his militias continue to pursue the victims with imprisonments, arbitrarily arrests ,and rapes wherever they go, hence; he tighten the noose around them, until the camps, became large prisons, besides the daily sufferings, to the extent that, if the displaced man or woman left the camp for a distance of  one single kilometer he or she may not return back alive.

Therefore; such juvenile statements will only come from unlettered person, and it’s essential mentioning here that, these declarations was made before by the deposed arrogant dictator Omer al Bashir, for whom the camps constituted a terrifying bogeyman and roadblock that he attempted to get rid of its nightmare and obliterate the features and consequences of the genocide, which the camps always represent, as the images of genocide. That is why today; al Bashir’s subservient Hemeti was keen to adopt the same outdated approach of his master of grace, by exploiting the inevitable transient seat of power, to implement his criminal plan.

Accordingly; the campaigns of arbitrary arrests and barbaric physical liquidations that were launched and that, will be carried out by the Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) militias against the displaced persons, through direct orders and directives from their leader Hemeti and which relentlessly continued, Hemeti came to reaffirmed it in his statements in Nyala and Zalingei cities.

By contrast; the paramount sheikh Yagoub Mohamed Abdella, aka Foure , was duly elected by the IDPs and Refugees as general co- coordinator for them and as their perfect choice, and therefore; he neither ascended to his position by military coup nor created by al Bashir, above all, he is merely one of the victims of the crimes of the former regime and survivor of the Janjaweed militias genocide, thus he is not a bandit or murderous Janjaweed, but rather; staunch supporter and advocate for the legitimate rights of his people, to attain retribution, fairness and justice, freedom, dignified life, and eventually; build an equal citizenship rights state for all Sudanese, to this end; he faced  and shared with his people all sorts of anguish and miseries, such as; displacement, hunger, diseases, besides; the daily Janjaweed militias violations and atrocities of killings, rapes, forced displacement, with bare hands and chests, armed with nothing, except their firm faith on the just cause of their people and their inevitable great victory, and if the vulnerable IDPs possess weapons as the rudderless Hemeti claims, such as 14. 5 anti- aircraft guns (Doshka) and SA. 46 mm machine guns, he wouldn’t have been able to patrol freely on the cities and villages of Darfur, running wild and doing whatever he wants to do, moreover; he wouldn’t have been able to displace all the IDPs and Refugees from their villages to the camps.

Consequently; the General Co-ordination of the Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees ( GCIDPR), would like to assert the following points:-

First : Mohammed Hamdan Daglou, aka Hemeti, is the de facto leader of the notorious Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces ( RSFs) militias, which committed genocide, ethnic- cleansing, war crimes and other crimes against humanity in Darfur, thus we call upon the international human rights organizations, the international community, all state governments, peoples who believe in freedom and justice, and all the honorable people of Sudan, who serve in the political forces, civil society groups, the jurists, human right defenders and the journalists, to take Hemeti’s threats to the IDPs seriously, and do everything in their power, to expose his baseless and unfounded claims to local, regional and international public opinion, before he perpetrate his final solution, against the defenseless displaced persons and dismantle their camps, we; also appeal to the international community to immediately put into effect its resolutions pertaining to the situation in Darfur, especially, the resolution No..1556, which issued by the U.N Security Council in 2004, under chapter VII of the U.N charter, which stipulated dissolution of all the militias, including the Janjaweed militias.

Second:  We sternly warn Dr. al Hadi Idriss who became a puppet in the hands of the Janjaweed militias leader, to the gravity of the task he is accomplishing against his people, especially the IDPs communities, in order to remain in the seat of power, and to obtain bribes from Hemeti, not only in return for the eerie silence over his crimes, but rather, in complicity to commit those crimes and provide a cover for him, in desperate attempts to polish his stained image before the people of Darfur, as a figure looking for peace and coexistence among the societies. Indeed; we fear that, you will be more implicated in Hemeti’s crimes against the IDPs, their camps and their leaders and generally against the civilian population.
Meanwhile; as you had been witness to Hemeti’s statements, threats and accusations to the armless IDPs, and if you have any iota of courage, ethics or dignity, you would have told Hemeti in front of the crowds, that he is a liar, only then; you would have occupied special place in the hearts of Darfurian people and Sudanese in general, but alas! You can’t give what you don’t have. Although you are a knowledgeable person, nonetheless; we want to remind you that, the Janjaweed leader’s intimidations and threats has legal consequences, as any attack or crime that will occur against the IDPs and their leaders from Hemeti and those around him, notably; leaders of the coup regime will be held responsible for those crimes and will bear its consequences. Therefore; don’t implicate yourself and your group with Hemeti and become a pawn in the hands of the murderous Janjaweed leader, because history doesn’t forget or forgive, as neither you nor anyone from the leaders of the armed struggle movements, can convince anybody in Darfur and in Sudan at large, that Hemeti is an advocate of peace and love, for the camps, burned villages as well as the mass graves, bear witness to his crimes, violations and atrocities against our people.

Third : The Janjaweed militias are the creation of al Bashir regime and its security and intelligence apparatus and their primary and ultimate mission is to commit genocide and ethnic- cleansing, in the name of tribal and racial wars, and most members of these militias were brought from outside Sudan, including Hemeti himself, and that is why; the crimes and atrocities which they committed, such as, the scorched – earth policy, killings of civilians, burning of the villages , raping women, and killings of the children and elders, in a brute and atrocious manner , do not resemble the Sudanese people, and their moral values and ethics, despite ; it’s an alien culture to the Sudanese people, which never happened before, except after the coming of these cross- borders militias to Sudan.

Fourth: The Janjaweed militias continue to perpetrate crimes and violations against the defenseless civilians and the displaced persons since 2003, until now, with the testimonies of the United Nations, the African Union and the African – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and the whole world.

Fifth: All the crimes and violations which were committed against the armless civilians and the IDPs in eastern Sudan, the Blue Nile state, south and west Kordofan states, and Darfur states, including the massacre of breaking up the sit- in, in front of the Sudanese Army Headquarters in Khartoum, were committed by the Janjaweed and RSFs militias, from the testimonies of the members of these militias, as they documented themselves their crimes on audio and video recordings and images , while they were in their uniforms and mounting their vehicles and further speak the Janjaweed dialect that we all know, in addition to; Hemeti himself has confessed that, his forces committed these crimes, and declared that, he had arrested some members of his militias for investigations, but unfortunately, the investigations were not about the crimes which they committed, but because of their filming and publishing of the atrocities which implicated and incriminated him up to his ears, thus he began to speak unconsciously, and the more he wanted to absolve himself from it, the more he submerge deep into it.

Sixth : we appeal to the dignified Sudanese people in their various walk of life, groups and components, especially those who believe in fundamental change, to the essentiality for unity and joint work, in order to overthrow the butschist regime, and prosecute all the perpetrators, dissolve the tribal militias, and hold their leaders accountable for the crimes and violations they committed against our defenseless people, and restructure all the Sudanese state institutions, including the armed forces, which we consider the main reason for creating tribal militias, and ultimately; establish a single national army with a new military doctrine, that its primary objective will be the protection of  the homeland, the people and the constitution, and not to wage merciless wars against innocent civilians and make military coups.

■Seventh : Areal, comprehensive, just and sustainable peace must be established, which address the historical root causes of the conflict ,in which the civilians and the IDPs feel safe and secure and stop the mass and individual killings and rapes, and not peace to get access to power and wealth.
Eighth: We hold the butschist government at the central and state level responsible for the safety of the IDPs and their leaders, and on the head of it, the culprit Hemeti, similarly; the responsibility for the safety of human rights defenders in the camps, and if any harm happens to these people, Hemeti will be the first person to bear the responsibility and thus; will face all the legal, moral and national consequences of it.

■Ninth: We will dispatch urgent messages to the United Nations, the Security Council, the African Union, the international human rights organizations, and to all regional and international bodies, concerned with human rights issues and the Sudanese cause, regarding Hemeti’s statements and his threats to the IDPs, and that he will dismantle the camps and target its leaders. Moreover; libeling the camps of possessing anti-aircraft and heavy artillery weapons is a declaration of war against the IDPs, and also excuse to enter the camps by force, in addition to, we will attach to the messages, a complete files that contain all the crimes and violations which were perpetrated by the Janjaweed and RSFs militias, supported with audio and video recordings and images that prove the violations and crimes, all these of course , will be backed with a detailed list of the names of the militia perpetrators. Furthermore; we expeditiously request an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate the crimes and atrocities of Hemeti and his Janjaweed militiamen, finally; we call on all the relevant bodies, to play their essential role in protecting all the IDPs and the civilians especially in the Darfur region and Sudan at large.

■Tenth : We alert all the regional and international bodies concerned with the Sudanese affairs and the regional peace and stability of the  negligence and disregard to the statements and threats which triggered by the Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) militias leader, Mohammed Hamdan Daglou,aka Hemeti, who persistently continue to commit mass atrocities and crimes in all regions of Sudan with impunity and without getting anyone to ward him off or deter him and hold him accountable for his inhumane deeds. In a nutshell; we reiterate the appeal and last minute call of genocide survivors to the pressing need for international protection, through imposition of the international law which protect them, before it’s late and before the world community be surprised by another final face of genocide, at that instant, statements of denunciations and solidarity with the victims will not help”.

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